Grace News April 9, 2024


Come and Celebrate Our Anniversary

April 14 (Third Sunday of Easter) 4 p.m. “C. Emlen Urban and Grace Lutheran Church” 
Gregg Scott is our local expert and evangelist, getting the word out about the life and influence of  architect C. Emlen Urban and his influence on the City of Lancaster. Grace Church is a notable part of Urban’s legacy of beautiful buildings in our city.  Gregg’s historical presentations are fascinating    and entertaining opportunities to learn and appreciate the past and its effect on our lives today.  The public is also invited to this special presentation. Bring your friends!

April 21 (Fourth Sunday of Easter) Festive Celebrations at our Sunday worship, giving thanks for 150 of worship and serving. We will also kick off the next phase of our Capital Campaign to retire the renovation debt and enjoy a “Anniversary Homecoming” with delicious food and  refreshments afterwards. Please RSVP to the church office by Wednesday April 17, 2024!

April 21 at 4pm – Organ Concert by Dr. Daniel Aune of Christ Lutheran Church, Inner Harbor, Baltimore. A varied concert of great organ music by a fabulous organist to celebrate our 150 legacy of music!

Easter Vespers with Bach Cantata No. 4

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Bach Vespers service such a special and beautiful way to kick off our 150th Anniversary Month.  A recording of the service should be on our YouTube channel by the end of this week.  Use it some evening to calm your soul with prayer and some deep Lutheran piety –  nothing is quite as Lutheran as J. S. Bach, after all! 

And the Cantata is easy to enjoy -seven stanzas of a sturdy Lutheran chorale about the joy of Jesus’ resurrection and its blessings for us, adorned by all the talent and emotion of Bach’s musical setting of each one.  Alleluia! Christ is risen, indeed!

Grocery Cards

Grocery cards are available at both services on Sunday mornings. You may order cards by calling Duane and Kitty Weiss. Remember all purchases of cards realizes 5% in cash back to Grace. These funds are used to support our many ministries.

Easter Fountain Flowers

Opportunities to share plants and flowers for the fountain are available beginning April 21 and ending June 2.  Families may buy plants and flowers to decorate the Fountain on the Sunday they choose, delivering them to church on Saturday and following Sunday services, take their plants home. Please contact Angie with questions or to sign up.

In-person Book Group

The Grace Monday Afternoon Book Club meets next on
Monday, April 22 at 1:30 in Nolt Auditorium. This month we are reading the New York Times Best Seller “A Woman of No Importance” written by Sonia Purnell.
The book is a true story about Virginia Hall, a Baltimore socialite who went from being a debutante to being an in the trenches  allied leader in the French Resistance during WWII.

The story tells of her attempts to work within the system that believed that women who worked for the government in Washington DC should serve as clerical workers where she was not satisfied with her assignments to needing to prove that she was a much more capable person who could serve the War efforts if she could work in Europe at the Front.
The book is a real accounting of how Virginia Hall went from a desk job in DC to being an integral part of the of the allied services. Find out why the Gestapo sent out an urgent
message about her: “She is the most dangerous woman of the allied spies. We must find and destroy her.” Her secret weapons included being a woman no one would have suspected being a spy and her prosthetic leg that held many allied secrets while she walked right past her enemies.
If you need a copy of the book Jean young has two borrowed copies that she will lend to you for this “chapter” in the book club. Call 717-928-4432. Please plan to join us for this interesting discussion of a woman of the greatest importance of all. Everyone is welcome!

Worship Volunteers Needed

We are in need of communion assistants for both Sunday services. Please contact Phil Supcek if you are interested

We are in need of readers for Sunday at 8 am. Please contact Angie Rabbe if you are interested

We are in need of communion care for both Sunday services. Please contact Vicki Mumma if you are interested

Our Grace Family